YES OR NO ??????????
In light of the controversial subject regarding the development of an eighth group,
the Spitz Group, and more specifically the inclusion (or exclusion) of the Pomeranian
in this Group, this article will shed some light on the capabilities of this diminutive breed. Early history has one group of dogs being derived mainly from the northern wolf huskies, Samoyed, chows, Pomeranians, elkhounds, collies, Alsatians, corgies, schipperkes and terriers. This particular group of dogs were domesticated and trained for the work
required of them, while accompanying traders of the Scandinavian countries to the
north of Pomerania and in East Germany where the Pom originated. The Pom was specifically mentioned as belonging to this northern group and today remains as a representative of the northern group sometimes classified as Spitz dogs.
I believe there is an inherent need to work bred in these little guys and busy dogs are happy
dogs. Activities that keep their minds and bodies in shape are important. In no way do I mean to
Say these little dogs are capable of running the Iditarod, or winning an all-breed endurance test. Many Poms are active in agility, earning the same titles that are earned by their larger cousins. Obedience is popular also. Carting is fun, however, the pulling weight that is part of competition
is too heavy for the little ones, making carting titles unavailable for the smaller Poms. Some of
them can run like the wind and do well in flyball. Poms make wonderful therapy dogs, loving the attention heaped on them by the many residents of nursing homes that are visited. Correct conformation is of the utmost importance. Poor structure or health concerns will naturally
prevent the Pom from performing well, and should not be shown in the conformation ring either.
Safety has been cited as the main reason for excluding the Poms from the Spitz Group. Safety is
an issue every time an entry form is completed and you step on the show grounds. Safety is an issue every time you put a leash on your dog and step out of your yard to go for a walk. It is every owners responsibility to be diligent in watching out for the safety of their dog whether it be in a show ring, or on the street. While in the ring, it is the ring stewards jobs, as well as the judge to be watchful for potential trouble, making certain aggressiveness is not tolerated by any dog be it large or small. Safety is not an issue in my opinion. With the inclusion of so many more breeds from time to time in The Canadian Kennel Club, some of the groups are becoming too large, and by the formation of an 8th group, the Spitz Group, this will alleviate some of the crowding in the rings. I know that our judges are very capable of judging the various breeds, and being fair to each and every one of them. There will be no worry that a judge will be unable to judge such a variety with all dogs being judged against their own standard. I realize this little breed is a toy. However, it is a Spitz by history, by nature, and by appearance. When we allow them the luxury of appearing in their beautiful double coats which sometimes is not the case. A Spitz Group without the Pom would be an incomplete Group. This is my own opinion, and I am very aware that it is in the minority. I sincerely hope that no one, after reading this, will think that I would ever jeopardize the safety of any one of my dogs. Their safety is uppermost in my mind, having just entered one of my boys in obedience trials. I was very watchful of the dogs around us, while in the ring, in any of the corridors, or in the exercise areas. Anyone whose mind has not already been made up, I sincerely hope this article will give you something to think about an 8th group a Spitz Group - it most definitely will not come into being overnight.
Having received a couple of emails recently regarding owners with problems with biting Pomeranians has led me to put together this little information article. Please note, the information shared here is my personal opinion based on my past experience with a couple of puppies we brought home. One was a Yorkshire terrier puppy, while the other was a Pomeranian puppy, thereby confirming this is not a breed specific problem. Both puppies were taken from their mothers at about six weeks of age, and while some breeders feel this is OK, it most definitely is not in the best interest of the puppy. Puppies need the discipline of their mothers and siblings. They learn bite inhibition, social skills they will need when they get out into that big world. By learning bite inhibition, they learn how hard they can bite without hurting the animal or person being bitten. If they are removed from their family too young (I feel anything before three months is too young), usually they are teething, and their mouths hurt they want to bite. If your hand or toes are in the way, they will be bitten. And if your little puppy has not learned any better, that bite will hurt. That is when a problem arises. New owners now think they have an aggressive puppy. While all they have is a baby needing the discipline they would have received from their mom or siblings had they not been taken away so young. Experienced owners can usually handle this quite well, however, new owners dont realize how to deal with this, and treat it as bad behaviour using negative discipline thinking it will help. Unfortunately, the negative corrections only make the problem worse and it becomes a vicious circle. Puppy bites, puppy is shook, or handled roughly, so puppy bites more you get the idea. The puppy needs to be treated as he would have been treated by his mom or siblings. If puppy bites, a very shrill OUCH and removing yourself from his play (only for a second or two) will be a start to getting rid of the unwanted biting. Your puppy will not want you to stop playing, and will soon learn if he bites too hard, you will no longer play. Puppies need lots of chew toys especially while he is teething. Please, be aware of breeders who let their puppies leave before 10-12 weeks. Make sure your new puppy has learned what he needs to know to make him a happy, well adjusted, socialized member of your family. And that means staying with his mom until he has learned that important bite inhibition.